martes, abril 25, 2006

Big Time Sensuality (Night Version / Fluke Minimix)

I can sense it. Something important is about to happen. It's coming up. It takes courage to enjoy it, the hardcore and the gentle big time sensuality. We just met and I know I'm a bit too intimate, but something huge is coming up and we're both included. IT TAKES COURAGE TO ENJOY IT. THE HARD-CORE AND THE GENTLE BIG TIME SENSUALITY... I don't know my future after this weekend 'nd and I don't want to... It takes courage to enjoy it, the hardcore and the gentle big time sensuality; Sensuality... (It takes time to enjoy. The hard-core & Gentle... Big - Time - Sensuality)

Porque anoche tuvo un gran momento de sensualidad. De esos que hacen que hoy te arregles mas para salir a la calle, ya desde buena mañana... Posted by Picasa

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