The pleasure is all mine to get to be the generous one
is the strongest stance the pleasure is all mine
to finally let go and evently flow who gives most
who gives mostwho gets to give most
the pleasure is all mine women like us
strengthen most, host-like when in doubt give in doubt : give
Show me forgiveness for having lost faith in myself
and let my own interior up to inferior forces
the shame is endless but if soon stars forgiveness
the girl might live
Vökuró bærinn minn, bæerinn minn
og inn sefur sæll í kyrr
fellur mjöll hljótt í húmi á jör grasi mitt,
grasi mitt grasi mitt og itt geymir
mold til vorsh. Júfrar lind, leynt vi.
brekkurót vakir eins og vi.
Lífi trútt, kyrrlátt kalda vermsl
augum djúps útí himinfyrr starir
stillt um nóttlangt í burt vakir veröl stór
grimmum töfrum tryllt; eir arlaus óttast nótt og dag
augu ín óttalaus og hrein brosa vi mér björt, vonin mín,
blessa brosi Þitt vekur ijó úr vær
hvílist jör hljó í örmum snæs liljuhvít
lokar augum blám litla stúlkan mín.
who is it? His embrace, a fortress. It fuels me
and places a skeleton of trust
right beneath us, bone by bone, stone by stone
if you ask yourself patiently and carefully: who is it?
who is it that never lets you down?
who is it that gave you back your crown?
and the ornaments are going around
now they're handing it overhanding it over
he demands a closeness we all have earned a lightness
carry my joy on the left, carry my pain on the right.
if you ask yourself patiently and carefully: who is it?
who is it that never lets you down?
who is it that gave you back your crown?
and the ornaments are going around
now they're handing it overhanding it over...
Sonnets /Unrealities XI It may not always be so;
and I say that if your lips, which I have loved, should touch
another's, and your dear strong fingers clutch his heart,
as mine in time not far away; if on another's face your sweet hair
layin such a silence as I know, or such great writhing words as,
uttering overmuch, stand helplessly before the spirit at bay;
If this should be,i say if this should be-you of my heart,
send me a little word; that I may go unto her,
and take her hands, saying, Accept all happiness from me.
Then shall I turn my face, and hear one bird sing
terribly afar in the lost lands.
Desired constellation It's tricky when you feel someone
has done something on your behalf. It's slippery when
your sense of justice murmurs underneath and is asking you
how am I going to make it right? How am I going to make it right?
With a palm full of stars I throw them like dice... repeatedly
on the table... repeatedly. I shake them like dice
and throw them on the table... repeatedly repeatedly,
until, the desired constellation appears...
Again and again... and again... and again...
How am I going to make it right?
How am I going to make it right?
How am I going to make it right?
...and you hear how am I going to make it right?...
Miðvikudags /Ancestors / Öll birtan / Kómid
(Vocal Improvisations)

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